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Meet President Jold Biden, the accidental star of the political circus, who somehow stumbled into the presidency at the tender age of 78. Now, at 81 and three years into his tenure, his critics are exchanging concerned glances faster than he can mumble his way through a sentence.

President Jold Biden, affectionately dubbed “Cheated-in-chief,” has turned the Oval Office into a real-life obstacle course, with frequent stutters that make it seem like his speeches are sponsored by the Department of Tongue-Twisters.

His penchant for sudden falls has sparked a new White House tradition: the presidential stumble count.

Critics argue that his cognitive decline is transforming the West Wing into a retirement community, complete with afternoon naps and confused staff trying to decipher executive orders.



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Meet President Jold Biden, the accidental star of the political circus, who somehow stumbled into the presidency at the tender age of 78. Now, at 81 and three years into his tenure, his critics are exchanging concerned glances faster than he can mumble his way through a sentence.

President Jold Biden, affectionately dubbed “Cheated-in-chief,” has turned the Oval Office into a real-life obstacle course, with frequent stutters that make it seem like his speeches are sponsored by the Department of Tongue-Twisters.

His penchant for sudden falls has sparked a new White House tradition: the presidential stumble count.

Critics argue that his cognitive decline is transforming the West Wing into a retirement community, complete with afternoon naps and confused staff trying to decipher executive orders.

How to Buy using $SOL

Phantom is a crypto wallet app used for storing and managing Solana tokens. After creating a wallet be sure to write down your recovery phrase on a piece of paper and store it somewhere safe.
From inside the Phantom app you can purchase Solana using Moonpay or other providers.
From inside the Click the exchange button inside of the Phantom app, input our contract address: , tap on review order then swap!

Meet President Jold Biden, the accidental star of the political circus, who somehow stumbled into the presidency at the tender age of 78. Now, at 81 and three years into his tenure, his critics are exchanging concerned glances faster than he can mumble his way through a sentence.

President Jold Biden, affectionately dubbed “Cheated-in-chief,” has turned the Oval Office into a real-life obstacle course, with frequent stutters that make it seem like his speeches are sponsored by the Department of Tongue-Twisters.

His penchant for sudden falls has sparked a new White House tradition: the presidential stumble count.

Critics argue that his cognitive decline is transforming the West Wing into a retirement community, complete with afternoon naps and confused staff trying to decipher executive orders.